Avian Companions
Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Lesser SulphurCrested Cockatoo-Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea
Size-From 12 to 13 inches
Weight-300 to 350 grams
Description-Smallest in the
"SulphurCresteds" white bird with a yellow crest,
suffused yellow amoung all body feathers, yellow ear patches, and
yellow on the undersides of the wings and tail.
Celebes,Muna, Butung, Tukangbesi, Djampea, Kalao, Kalaotoa, Madu,
Kayuadi, Salembu Besar, Lesser Sunda Islands, Lambok, Rinco,
Sumbawa, Flores, Nosea Penida, Semau, Timor, Pantar and Alor.
Pet Quality- The Lesser SulphurCrested Cockatoo can be a delightfull pet if trained
properly. This Cockatoo tends to bond to one person only, and can
be nervous. They are very intelligent and can do a variety of
tricks. Some can speak well, but have a limited vocabulary.