Avian Companions
Slender Billed Cockatoo

Courtesty Of JJ Harrison, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Western Long Billed Corella-Cacatua
Size-16 to 17 inches
Weight-600 to 650 grams
Description-Lores are orange red with
the rest of the plumage white. Bases of feathers of head, nape,mantle, breast
and flanks orange red. Underside of flight and tail feathers are pale yellow.
Beak is Horn colored while the crest is helmet shaped.
Pet Quality-One of the most delightfull
Cockatoos of all! They are extremely intelligent and playfull. They can talk
very clearly and are always into mischief! They do require quality outime with
their favorite person and have to be watched because they can get into all kinds
of trouble! A real outgoing personality!
Status-Rapidly Declining