"Tears"He sits
alone huddled in a cramped dirty cage.
He did not choose to be here, at one time he had
That was long ago, in his book of life a long gone
He had a full life, trees, the wind under his
wings pools of water, flocks of friends, he was a king
once, long ago in his home land far away.
He was captured one day, in a net, now he's here
to stay never again to be free, to fly, to have
companionship, or to explore.
The smugglers resigned him to his fate, evermore.
He has had many homes, after sitting unwanted
months in a pet store.
They bought him for his beauty, but they all
failed to recognize the beauty inside.
He preens his dull shabby feathers, he can hardly
move them for in the small cage his wings are too wide.
He looks dully around him from all hope removed
He gives up on a home that will love and care for
him, and where they would talk about him with pride.
He looks listlessly at the cup of dirty water and
the dirty sunflower seeds, crawling with moths inside.
He longs for a home that will love him, and give
him a nice roomy cage.
Long ago his hope faded, and depression replaced
his rage.
He longed for toys, bright colors, and space,
fresh fruit and vegetables too.
He would try so hard to be good, if they just gave
him a chance he would show them he was loveable, smart,
and a beauty he could preen his feathers like new.
Through no fault of his own he was here, in a pet
store once again.
No one had made the committment, or taken the
responsibility which was not his sin.
They grew tired of having a parrot, their
unreasonable expectations, he could not live up to.
Instead of loving him for what he was and making
him a family member true, they dumped him in a store, to
exist in misery through no fault of his own.
It was on this Thanksgiving day he gave up hope of
having a family.
He was sick and it was left untreated, he could
hardly breathe.
Depressed and without hope, despondent as could
be, he closed his eyes one last time and off to freedom
he flew to have a flock of friends, companionship at
His dreams were finally realized and this in his
heart he knew, no one could take it away.
This time it was permanent.
He found his final peace, his eluding happiness,
yes, this time he was truly and forever for all eternity,
free to fly the heavens, to finally find the love that
surrounded him, coming from above.
The Rainforest where we once
was lush and thick and green
The trees they reached into
the sky
like none that most have
And in the tree's a hollow
is where we both would go,
For in the hollow, we would
our eggs as white as snow.
And water holes where
would play and swim and
One day as I was in my log
I flew out to the lookout
to see what lurked around.
A human with his nets and
Had come to steal our chicks
from us,
And when he took our little
He dropped my chick from up
And when he left, we went to
Our family was gone you see,
our place where we would
The village man, he walked
for miles
through forest thick and
The babies cried inside the
it hurt to hear them scream.
Into the village with the
the merchants came to see,
When opened up a single
is all that there would be.
On the bottom lay my chick
His eyes sunk in, his
wrinkled skin,
The thunders coming closer
the tree shakes from the
Branches flying everywhere
our home is falling down.
I fly away and then I see
my mate is no where near,
I search above the tree tops
And on the ground my
lifelong mate
lies still as still can be,
And we will never mate again
And all the trees where we
once lived
For roads and pastures take
their place
and ranchers with their
Our food supply has dwindled
No place to rest my tired
Dear mate it won't be long.
in the forest if you look,
The library is where we'll
So won't you tell your
of the parrots you once
And rest your head at night
with ease
Knowing, you did all that
you could do.
Copyright 1996, Terri L Doe
"Under Gods Wings"
After a forest fire in
Yellowstone National Park,
Forest Rangers began their
trek up a mountain
to assess the inferno's
damage. One Ranger
found a bird literally
petrified in ashes, perched
statuesquely on the ground
at the base of a
tree. Somewhat sickened by
the eerie sight,
he knocked over the bird
with a stick. When
he struck it, three tiny
chicks scurried from
under their dead mothers
wings. The Loving
Mother, keenly aware of
impending disaster,
had carried her offspring
to the base of the
tree and had gathered them
under her wings,
instinctively knowing that
the toxic smoke
would rise. She could have
flown to safety
but had refused to abandon
her babies. When
the blaze had arrived and
the heat had scorched
her small body, the Mother
had remained
steadfast. Because she had
been willing to
die, those under the cover
of her wings would
Copyright 2010 Avian
